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The dubious friends of Donald Trump part two: King of Diamonds

leestijd 2 minuten
613 keer bekeken
Although still in its early days, Donald Trump’s presidency is coming under fire. The Russians are alleged to be in possession of sensitive information about Trump. And that exposes Trump to blackmail. Fake news, tweets Trump: “I have nothing to do with Russia – no deals, no loans, no nothing!” Trump swears he has no ties with the Russians. But is that actually the case? 
In the second part of our programme about Donald Trump’s controversial friends, we will set our sights on the Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, who is controversial because he is suspected of trading in blood diamonds. He is one of the world’s biggest diamond traders and owns prestigious stores in New York and Moscow, but he is also the owner of Siebel, the Netherlands’ biggest jewellery chain. Leviev has ties with Russian president Putin, US president Trump and his son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner. Trump, however, claims he hardly knows this “King of Diamonds” . Zembla investigates Lev Leviev’s business empire.
Watch the first part of the dubious friends of Donald Trump: 'the Russians' here.
Since March 29, on several occasions, ZEMBLA has asked Lev Leviev and his companies to provide information and tell their side of the story.
Below are the various reactions received from Lev Leviev, The Leviev Group of Companies (LGC) and AFI Europe.
A)   Mining activities in Angola
B) Smuggling (Israeli Uvda programme)
C) 88 Queensway Group
D) West Bank settlements 
E) Photo of Trump with Leviev
F) Jared Kushner and AFI USA

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