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Pounds and poison from Moscow

leestijd 1 minuten
111 keer bekeken
Geld en gif uit  moskou still
ZEMBLA investigates the story of Sergei Magnitsky: a Russian lawyer who died in prison after his testimony about the largest Russian tax fraud in history. Police officers and employees of the Russian tax authorities collaborated with a criminal gang to steal 230 million dollars from the Russian tax payers. Magnitsky became a symbol for Russian human rights atrocities.

Bill Browder, Magnitsky’s client, began a worldwide campaign to punish the fraudsters and murderers. Several countries imposed sanctions which led to a furious reaction by the Kremlin. But other countries refuse to take a harsh stance towards Putin’s kleptocracy. ZEMBLA shows the Dutch government’s unwillingness to impose Magnitsky- sanctions and The Hague’s appeasement of Putin.

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