TEDx: prinses Mabel over mondiale verandering
• 20-11-2009
• leestijd 2 minuten
'Ieder van ons kan meehelpen aan verbetering van de wereld'
Prinses Mabel van Oranje pleit voor het nemen van eigen verantwoordelijkheid om de wereld samen te veranderen. Daar ligt ook een kans voor The Elders, een denktank van een groep wereldleiders op leeftijd, die ze zelf voorzit.
Mabel was vrijdag een van de sprekers op de conferentie TEDx Amsterdam in het Tropeninstituut.
De prinses zei daar onder meer:
“What you need is to believe that the impossible is possible. In order to ignite change, I know from experience, you often have to take two steps forward, one step back.”
“We live in a society of instant gratification. We want everything quick, quick, quick. And if it breaks, we throw it away. But change doesn’t come overnight. Think of all the years that Nelson Mandela had to spend in jail before he could see his country free.”
“You don’t need me to tell you that humanity is facing great challenges. And as we sit here this morning thousand of children have died because they didn’t have the right medication or food.”
“Each and every one of us can do something. You can give money, power, brain power, time and energy. You need a whole lot of pragmatism. A lot of patience and perseverance. But there will be others who will help you in the wave of change. And if you happen to get involved in one of those wave of changes, I would love to work together with you.”